


What our customers say

Vestea unei sarcini la o varsta inaintata te ingrijoreaza un pic. Totusi cu ajutorul echipei AMS Laborator Genetic am reusit sa iau cea mai buna decizie in privinta unui test non invaziv prenatal. Testul Panorama, facut la 9 saptamani, a adus familiei mele un plus de liniste, cat si bucurie cand am aflat ca vom avea o fetita.
Teodora Marin
46 ani, Bucuresti
OncoDeep was a testing option I learned about while learning about my disease.Being able to do a complex genetic test, specific to the cancer I was diagnosed with was very important to me. I got the information I needed exactly when I needed it. This test showed me the best option for chemotherapy treatment. It is very important to know about the existence of these modern tests, which fortunately can also be done in Romania. Cancer patients should be informed about all the testing and treatment options they have, regardless of cost.


Bacău, colorectal cancer std III
The news of a pregnancy at an advanced age worries you a little. However, with the help of the AMS Laborator Genetic team, I was able to make the best decision regarding a non-invasive prenatal test. The PanoramaTM test, done at 9 weeks, brought my family peace of mind as well as joy when we found out we were having a girl.

Teodora Marin

46 years old, Bucharest